ADHD Weekly Planner

Need to a simple way to plan your week, time block your day and capture ideas, notes and todos? This planner will let you see everything in one place, with simple daily workflows, and 1-click push tasks to Google Calendar functionality. You can get it done!
About this template

This planner was designed from scratch to be focus friendly. You can see all your tasks and events in one place.

One of the things that is missing from many planners is good time blocking. This planner has the unique ability to easily organise your tasks & events by time - you can then just click one link in the task or event and it will be instantly added to your google calendar for that time. There is no need to use Notion Calendar or any other tools... one click and it's done! 🎉 🗓️

Many of us struggle with "time blindness", tasks are either "Now" or "Not Now", this planner has been designed to help you follow a simple workflow to organise your weeks and days. You just sit down and tick off the checklist of steps, going through capturing, organising, prioritising and doing your tasks - in a way that you barely need to think about it.

To keep you motivated there is a little frog on the right sidebar that will change as you complete the "life moving" forward tasks. It's a little way to get a bit of joy and that dopamine hit in achieving the things important to you.

Finally you can organise all your notes and documents using Tiago Forte's Building a Second Brain (BASB) system.
This is a well designed and beautiful planner that will fit your brain, it will motivate you to get your important tasks done, and let you overcome "time blindness" by following simple step.
Duplicate it now and start turning your life around!

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